Saturday, October 22, 2011

Who God REALLY is.

You have all heard the characteristics of God. You have all heard that God is all loving, all powerful, all present.

But that isn't who God IS.

God is inside of us. God is the notion that everything is going to be okay even when nothing is okay.

God is the gentleness in the eyes of those who love. God is the hands of those who comfort.

God is the innocence of those who know no fear, no worry, no pain.

God is the joy of being alive because life is so obviously beautiful.

God is the knowing that even when our bodies die, we will not.

God is the dream that somewhere people love for the sake of love and don't care what's in it for them. They only care to take away your pain and your fear.

God is hope. God is human.

God is here.

He is with you.

He is the warmth inside you.

He is holding you.

He is kissing you.

He is putting your sadness to sleep.

God is the gentle one.

He is the loving one.

Don't run away from Him.

He is your only chance of happiness.

Be full of Him.

Be held by Him.

Sleep inside His arms.

Your sorrow is a dream.

Wake up to God.


1 comment:

  1. Wow. Owen, very thoughtful! Thank you for sharing, I found it sincere, real and I'm impressed!
